Coaching Feedback Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.This questionnaire is designed to capture what you thought about the quality of the coaching you received from Mss. Sabnam Mostari, and what you felt the benefits of the programme were. *I understandI agree that the feedback provided here can be used in the context of the professional (re)accreditation of the coach mentioned above and this, in accordance with the GDPR legal requirements. *I AgreeYour Name *Your Job Title *Your Initial Coaching RequestDates of Coaching Programme *FROM – dd/mm/yy – TO – dd/mm/yyPlease read the following statement and confirm whether or not it applied to the coaching exercise. You may also provide a written comment. *I understand1. The coaching contract was clear and agreed beforehand.YesNoPlease comment:2. The coach explained coaching deontology and/or provided reference to his/her professional code of ethics.YesNoPlease comment:3. The coach clarified the confidentiality boundaries of the coaching.YesNoPlease comment:4. The coach clearly explained his/her coaching approach and style.YesNoPlease comment:5. The coach clearly explained his/her role and mine in our coaching engagement.YesNoPlease comment:Please rate the following statements by choosing the number that reflects best your assessment of the statements: 1 – this statement applied at all times to the coaching 2 – this statement applied most of the time 3 – this statement rarely applied to the coaching 4 – this statement never applied to the coaching Where the statement is not applicable to your coaching experience, please chose NA (not applicable).I understand6. The coach created a space where I could be open & feel supported and trusted.Please select1234NA7. The coach tailored his/her approach to my style, my emotional state & my needs.Please select1234NA8. The coach ensured I retained responsibility to solve problems &/or change my behaviour.Please select1234NA9. My desired outcomes were clarified & reviewed with the coach.Please select1234NA10. Progress & achievement of outcomes & goals were reviewed together & revised if appropriate.Please select1234NA11. The coach shared perspectives and ideas as options to consider.Please select1234NA12. A. The questions asked by the coach: Helped me raise my awareness.Please select1234NA12. B. &/or encouraged my reflection & learning.Please select1234NA12. C. &/or brought me different perspectives.Please select1234NA13. The coach used tools, techniques or exercises that helped me progress towards by goals.Please select1234NA14. The coach gave me clear, concise feedback, which was constructive & helped my learning/development/change.Please select1234NA15. The coach challenged me in a supportive way.Please select1234NA16. The coach held me accountable for my decisions & actions.Please select1234NAOutcomes of the Coaching SCALE from 0 (not at all) to 10 (absolutely)I understand17. The coaching contributed to my personal development. Selected Value: 5 18. The coaching enabled me to improve my performance. Selected Value: 5 19. The coaching helped me make better use of my resources. Selected Value: 5 20. The coaching gave me a better understanding of my strengths & weaknesses. Selected Value: 5 21. The coaching helped my learning process &/or provided me with a greater capacity to problem-solve. Selected Value: 5 22. The coaching enabled me to progress significantly towards my objectives. Selected Value: 5 Overall Assessment & Satisfaction: Please write in your own words, your impressions of your coaching experienceI understand23. What did you particularly appreciate? What could be improved?24. What particular personal or professional learning points do you believe have been derived from the coaching?25. Overall, how satisfied are you with your coaching experience? Scale from 0 to 10Submit